...libreta de notas, cuaderno de apuntes varios, álbum de recortes, notas al margen, archivo muerto, colección de babosadas, catálogo incatalogable, saco roto, cajón de sastre. "¡Solo pepenando cosas vivís!" decía mi abuela... un addendum al libro de todas las cosas


"Some questions for you all
I've just returned from a very interesting small conference in Arizona, where we were talking about philanthropy, discovery and education. And I have some questions for you all...

* What if the essential political questions of our time - the questions that ask "how should we do things?" - were not about right vs. left but bottom-up vs. top down? What would that do to the political spectrum and its discourse?
* What if our work was about creating space - for discovery, connection and collaboration - rather than narrowing down options and coming up with answers?
* What if accountability was about trust, intimacy and love, and not measurement, punishment and suspicion? How would we foster such a system? What would it mean for politics, governance, leadership and community?

I'd be really curious about your answers, or further questions that are suggested by this short list."
--Chris Corrigan