...libreta de notas, cuaderno de apuntes varios, álbum de recortes, notas al margen, archivo muerto, colección de babosadas, catálogo incatalogable, saco roto, cajón de sastre. "¡Solo pepenando cosas vivís!" decía mi abuela... un addendum al libro de todas las cosas


"In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently." --Harry A. Blackmun


"First, let me just say that symmetry is bad. Asymmetry is bad. Please avoid both." -


"Our leaders are long gone...all they left us were insults."
"Dedicated to my Grandmother... in hers 92 years old.

Long live, Madgalena... your faith in La Meca, your 9 fingers can move mountains, your silences, your voice, your secrets, your soul... is a total inspiration in my humanity...

Alah does devotional tricks in you!!"--Darío in Escrito en el agua (Written in the water)


"So, what are you, insane? Disturbed? Obsessive?" -- shillPages - Movie Title Screens Page FAQ


"Creer es más fácil que pensar" --Alejandro Vázquez Cárdenas


"...In the immortal words of Socrates who said 'I Drank what?'" - Val Kilmer in Real Genius


The Entrepreneurial Mind: "Niches Can Go Away. No market is forever."
"I don't blog to make money. I don't run ads on my site. I don't even blog to win awards. I blog because it pleases me to see my ideas spread. I like it when I see people talking about one of my ideas--without even mentioning where the idea came from. That means it's the idea that spread, not my brand. Which is the whole point." --Seth Godin citado en Blog write for CEO's


"Es toda una experiencia vivir con miedo, ¿verdad? Eso es lo que significa ser un esclavo." –- Roy Batty en Blade Runner
"I have a lot of trouble with your remote controls. Too many arrows." --Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on Sony UI design


"Being employed is an illusion." --Grant Anderson citado en Fortune.


"There are a couple of things you should avoid"