...libreta de notas, cuaderno de apuntes varios, álbum de recortes, notas al margen, archivo muerto, colección de babosadas, catálogo incatalogable, saco roto, cajón de sastre. "¡Solo pepenando cosas vivís!" decía mi abuela... un addendum al libro de todas las cosas


"It is a common delusion that you make things better by talking about them." -- Dame Rose Macaulay
"Rule No 6 is 'Don’t take yourself so seriously' (and there are no
other rules)"


"To summarize, computers today are worse than stupid: they are completely mindless. They know nothing about the world and how it works. Our goal, with your help, is to try to change that!"


"el sol ha conseguido un lugar importante, el problema es que está un poco atado a su función y no consigue tener una vida" --nadakedecir*
"a veces rodear el obstáculo es rodear el objetivo" --nadakedecir
"El día de tu santo
te hicieron regalos muy valiosos:
un perfume extranjero, una sortija,
un lapicero de oro, unos patines,
unas zapatillas de marca y una bicicleta.
Yo solamente te pude traer,
en una caja antigua de color marrón,
un montón de semillas de naranjo,
de pino, de cedro, de araucaria,
de almendro, de encina y de manzano.
Esas semillas son pacientes
y esperan su lugar y su tiempo.
Yo no tenía dinero para comprarte algo lujoso.
Yo simplemente quise regalarte un bosque."

--Jairo Aníbal Niño
"What you see is not what you think you see." --Jeanette Winterson, Gut Symmetries


"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself." --Aldous Huxley


"Stop paying attention to your competitors. Repeat after me:
Listen to your customers, not your competitors!" --Joel Spolsky


Science Fiction Weekly Interview

"In other words, 10 years from now nobody's going to be talking about the fur in Monsters, Inc. They're going to be talking about, 'Man, that last scene I felt like crying when he sticks his head back into the door.'" --Brad Bird
"I'm addicted to learning. I'm curious to know how this world works.."--kSensei Blog


"In summary - Don't get too comfortable in your cube or office doing your little routine. Get out there. If you've just taken a hit or feel beat up I want to encourage you to stand up dust yourself off and jump back in. " --Paul Menefee